These are some excellent programs I have come across in my time. I recommend you research these programs if you are not sure what they are. Some require a fair knowledge of computers and/or the internet to operate them properly. All issues for support of these programs should be directed to the manufacturer.

For more information on a link slide your mouse over it and information will appear after one second.

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Helpful articles
Reinstall Dial-up Networking on Windows 9x 47 Steps


Important Windows Updates
Microsoft Windows Update You must get ALL critical updates


Internet Browsers
Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1      (installer) 480 Kb ie6setup.exe
Netscape 7.1      (installer) 262 Kb NSSetup.exe


Security / Virus Fixes
Welchia / Nachia instructions 120 Kb FixWelch.exe
Blaster instructions 120 Kb FixBlast.exe


Advisable Programs to Have
Ws_FTP LE site 691 Kb ws_ftple.exe
Quick Delete 557 Kb quickdelete.exe
IDserve 26 Kb idserve.exe
4t Tray Minimizer site 713 Kb 4t-min.exe
EMS Free Surfer 2 site 1.7 Mb FreeSurfer21026.exe
Button Boogie 237 Kb buttonboogie.exe
Adaware see site


Google Internet Search Engine